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Paraphrase of Adams and Weins Article's

         Kyle Weins, owner of, and Susan Adams, a writer for Forbes Magazine, make up great points in their arguments about grammar. Susan Adams starts off with great points which have to deal with emails and the younger generations bringing improper grammar into the workplace and bosses getting uptight about not being able to use correct grammar. Grammar can change and issues may come up because some generation are stickled on one unique grammar way. Grammar can show how intelligent someone is and it can also show respect when replying to someone in a conversation (Adams). When someone uses incorrect grammar it shows how sloppy they can be. Weins said he is the man who gives grammar test to anyone that applies for a job in his company. Grammar is important to Weins because it can show someone who you are. For example, if someone is very detailed about the work they do then they will have outstanding grammar and little to no error. If someone is sloppy and doesn’t really care, then they are the ones with a lot of grammatical errors (Weins). He says that grammar can show who someone is really is without them being present. In his company someone can have everything he is looking for but if they don’t know the difference between “it’s” and “its” then they are not good enough because grammar can mean so much in any business. Grammar is important because it’s like a reputation and when someone speaks or types their reputation is on the line just like Kyle Weins said, no matter what you can do if you don’t know the difference between their, there, and they’re then you will be judged and that goes for any type of grammar error. Using correct shows how proper you are as a person because it’s like you’ve actually learned something in high school.



                                                                                    Work Cited

Adams, Susan. "Why Grammar Counts at Work." Forbes Magazine. Web. 15 Sept. 2016.<>.

Weins, Kyle. "I Won't Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here's Why." Harvard Business Review. 23 July 2014. Web. 15 Sept. 2016.<>.

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